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История математики
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Aczel A.D. Fermat's Last Theorem: Unlocking the Secret of an Ancient Mathematical Problem. 1997.
Albers D.J., Alexanderson G.L. Fascinating Mathematical People: Interviews and Memoirs. 2011.
Albers D.J., Alexanderson G.L. Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews. 2008.
Anglin W.S. Mathematics: A Concise History and Philosophy. 1994.
Aspray W., Kitcher P. History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics. Volume XI. 1988.
Bartocci C., Betti R., Guerraggio A., Lucchetti R. (editors) Mathematical Lives: Protagonists of the Twentieth Century From Hilbert to Wiles. 2010.
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Bolibruch A.A., Osipov Yu.S., Sinai Ya.S. (eds.) Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century. 2006.
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Bradley R.E., Sandifer C.E. (edit.) Leonhard Euler: Life, Work and Legacy. 2007.
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Christianson G.E. Isaac Newton. 2005.
Clarke D.M. Descartes: A Biography. 2006.
Cohen I.B., Smith G.E. The Cambridge Companion to NEWTON. 2002.
Coolidge J.L. The Mathematics of Great Amateurs. 1990.
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Dodgson C.L. Euclid and His Modern Rivals. 2009.
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Dugac P. Histoire de l'analyse: Autour de la notion de limite et de ses voisinages. 2003.
Dunham W. The Genius of Euler: Reflections on his Life and Work. 2007.
Dunnington G.W. Carl Friedrich Gauss: Titan of Science. 2004.
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Edwards C.H., Jr. The Historical Development of the Calculus. 1994.
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Fellman E.A. Leonhard Euler. 2003.
Fink K. A Brief History of Mathematics. 1903.
Finocchiaro M.A. (ed.) The Essential Galileo. 2008.
Finocchiaro M.A. Retrying Galileo, 1633-1992. 2005.
Gaukroger S. Descartes: An Intellectual Biography. 1995.
Gray J. Worlds Out of Nothing: A Course in the History of Geometry in the 19th Century. 2006.
Guicciardini N. Isaac Newton on Mathematical Certainty and Method. 2009.
Guicciardini N. The Development of Newtonian Calculus in Britain, 1700-1800. 2003.
Hairer E., Wanner G. Analysis by Its History. 2008.
Hall A.R. Isaac Newton: Adventurer in Thought. 1992.
Hattab H. Descartes on Forms and Mechanisms. 2009.
Heath T.L. (ed.) The Works of Archimedes: Edited in Modern Notation with Introductory Chapters. 2009.
Heilbron J.L. Galileo. 2010.
Hodgkin L.H. A History of Mathematics: From Mesopotamia to Modernity. 2005.
Hoffman J., Johnson C., Logg A. Dreams of Calculus: Perspectives on Mathematics Education. 2004.
Iliffe Robert. Newton. A Very Short Introduction. 2007.
Irvine A. Philosophy of Mathematics. 2009.
James I. Remarkable Mathematicians: From Euler to von Neumann. 2003.
Katz V.J. (editor) Using History to Teach Mathematics: An International Perspective. 2000.
Kleiner I. A History of Abstract Algebra. 2007.
Knoebel A., Laubenbacher R., Lodder J., Pengelley D. Mathematical Masterpieces: Further Chronicles by the Explorers. 2007.
Koetsier T., Bergmans L. Mathematics and the Divine: A Historical Study. 2004.
Krantz S.G. An Episodic History of Mathematics: Mathematical Culture through Problem Solving. 2010.
Laubenbacher R., Pengelley D. Mathematical Expeditions: Chronicles by the Explorers. 1998.
Livio M. The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry. 2006.
Martzloff J.-C. A History of Chinese Mathematics. 2006.
Mauldin R.D. The Scottish Book: Mathematics from the Scottish Cafe. 1981.
Mazer A. The Ellipse: A Historical and Mathematical Journey. 2010.
Merzbach U.C., Boyer C.B. A History of Mathematics. 2011.
Meskens A. Travelling Mathematics - The Fate of Diophantos' Arithmetic. 2010.
Naess A. Galileo Galilei: When the World Stood Still. 2005.
Nahin P.J. Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula: Cures Many Mathematical Ills. 2006.
Netz R. Ludic Proof: Greek Mathematics and the Alexandrian Aesthetic. 2009.
Netz R. The Works of Archimedes: Translated into English, together with Eutocius’ commentaries, with commentary, and critical edition of the diagrams. 2004.
Newman J.R. The World of Mathematics (1 vol). 1956.
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Newman J.R. The World of Mathematics (3 vol). 1956.
Newman J.R. The World of Mathematics (4 vol). 1956.
Petković M. Famous Puzzles of Great Mathematicians. 2009.
Pickover C.A. The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics. 2009.
Priestley W.M. Calculus: A Liberal Art. 1998.
Roche X. et al. Vedic Mathematics Secrets. 2002.
Saraiva Luis. History Of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal And East Asia II. 2004.
Schuster J. Descartes-Agonistes: Physico-mathematics, Method & Corpuscular-Mechanism 1618-1633. 2013.
Sherlock Holmes in Babylon and Other Tales of Mathematical History. 2004.
Smorynski C. History of Mathematics: A Supplement. 2007.
Stein S. Archimedes: What Did He Do Besides Cry Eureka? 1999.
Stillwell J. Mathematics and Its History. 1989.
Tabak J. Algebra: Sets, Symbols, and the Language of Thought. 2011.
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Van Brummelen G., Kinyon M. Mathematics and the Historian's Craft: The Kenneth O. May Lectures. 2005.
Varadaraja V.S. Euler Through Time: A New Look at Old Themes. 2006.
Verhulst F. Henri Poincaré: Impatient Genius. 2012.
Vos Savant M. The World's Most Famous Math Problem: The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and Other Mathematical Mysteries. 1993.
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Авдеев Ф.С., Авдеева Т.К. Андрей Петрович Киселев. 2002.
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Акивис М.А, Розенфельд Б.А. Эли Картан. 2007.
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Аль-Фараби. Математические трактаты. 1972.
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